All posts tagged: office mix

Àngels Soriano: Student Voice- Technology for Participation and Empowerment

The contact our students are having with technology is increasingly done at younger ages. Even our daily habits are linked to the use of technology. It is clear that the classroom can’t be out of this world and has incorporated information technology and communication in the day. A second step was to use this technology for our students to construct their own knowledge, that create content where tools like OneNote obtained an exceptional role in the ability to adapt to the needs you want to raise students.

Tammy Dunbar: The Gift of Time

by Tammy Dunbar Expert Educator Columnist, USA ‘Tis the season when everyone is looking for the perfect present. Wherever you turn, there are gift ideas for outdoors folks, gourmet cooks, book lovers, animal fans and, of course, tech people. In our interconnected and fast-paced world, it’s easy to point, click and order something that can be delivered right to someone’s front door. But, if you listen to Dr. Seuss’s Grinch, the best gift comes without ribbons, it comes without tags, it comes without packages, boxes or bags! The best gift for anyone on your list is the gift of time. Our students need time to think, to create, to question, to explore. Technology allows us to differentiate our instruction so that students can focus on their personal learning needs. One student may be creating a great presentation on PowerPoint using Office Mix while another is still searching for the just the right resources to copy into their OneNote. When we allow students the time to work at their own pace, we can more easily focus …

Meenakshi Uberoi: My Tryst With Technology

by Meenakshi Uberoi Expert Educator Columnist, India My tryst with technology goes almost a decade back, when Microsoft announced the ‘Innovative Teachers Leadership Award 2005’ in India, more specifically in our school. I was instantly drawn to it, as it catered to my need of the hour – to carve a niche for myself amongst the highly capable, experienced and qualified teachers. Though I am and have always been a technology enthusiast who loves to work with the latest in technology, this platform brought out the best of me. While preparing for this competition, Microsoft PowerPoint has been a game changer. It helped me create captivating and interactive sessions that were information-packed and grabbed my students’ attention instantly. When I explained the concept of photosynthesis to my 4th graders using PowerPoint, it helped them visualize the concept and develop a better understanding of a phenomenon that cannot be seen or experienced otherwise. This was only the beginning; PowerPoint then became a medium of expression for me. It aided explaining and showcasing concepts that were otherwise …

Andy Li: A Perfect Assistant to Your Flipped Classroom (English and Chinese)

by Andy Li Expert Educator Columnist, Hong Kong Flipped Classroom has been a very hot topic in education. Many teachers have tried to implement such a new approach in school. It could help teachers achieve something that has long been difficult to achieve: student-centric learning and self-directed learning models. To flip your classroom, you must use technology tools to assist. There are several factors for consideration. First, students are required to watch or read from home the materials prepared by teachers. The most common pre-lesson materials are short video clips broadcast through YouTube or other learning platforms. Second, students are trained for self-discipline as they need to remind themselves to learn at home. Third, students will have to evaluate themselves right after watching or reading the materials so that their understanding of the material is tested. The evaluation data will be stored for teachers to refer and follow up.

Kurt Söser: My Microsoft EduCast Experience

by Kurt Söser, MIE Expert Columnist   First of all: Thanks to all the people and fellow teachers and friends who have joined the Microsoft Educator Webcast on Tuesday, 11th of November. I read a lot of familiar names and I am still thrilled by this event, although some small things went wrong… I was expecting that my presentation on Office Mix should be at the end of the Webinar, but instead I was placed second, so I could not rely on Tim’s presentation, but I think the audience got my ideas. So here is the recording of the Webcast and you can rewatch it. You just have to register (for free) and you can watch the Educast: Registration Page Microsoft Educast For those who want to get more infos on Office Mix, feel free to go to or rewatch this short Office Mix, which I created for the event: Another great thing that was mentioned in this Educast are the Bing lesson plans. I have not tried that lesson plans, so I will …

Tutorial Tuesdays: Flip Your Classroom by Using Office Mix!

by Minnia Feng, MSEN Community Manager Another Quick Tip video for the week– this one shows how you can record voice, images, and notation in OfficeMix to make a truly 21st century lesson! It’s really simple and interactive for the students using it, as they are able to access multiple modalities to enhance the learning experience. How do you use Office Mix in the classroom? Leave your thoughts in the comments, and also let us know what other types of Quick Tip videos you’d like to see!